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Thought We'd Share

We get to work with a lot of nonprofits and there are no shortage of great challenges that we tackle in the process. So we've created this space to share some of the neat things we've learned along the way that we thought you might find interesting (and dare we say useful) too.

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How to make the perfect bug report

A good bug report gets the problem solved faster.
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Four Reasons 2020 was a Banner Year for Symbolic Gift Fundraising

2020 was not a great year for many things. But it was in fact a banner year for many of the organizations fundraising with symbolic gifts using our platform.
What do people hear when we say change management?

Takeaways, a Video, and the Recap from Our Webinar on Website Redesigns and Change Management

What do people hear when we say “Change Management”? Fear.
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Save Time, a Lot of Time, by Making Old Content New

The time to rewrite a ROT piece is easily 80% less than writing a new post. This also translates into an increased frequency of “fresh” content for our blog. All around a win!
Human heads thinking

Why you need an independent implementation partner

There is a way to make your next redesign a success: Add a few key voices and mix.
People working on a puzzle

Why your nonprofit needs a Technical Strategist

Where the rubber meets the road. The critical role you didn’t know your project needed.
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How to get the most out of your next wireframe review

As the team tasked with implementing wireframes into a functioning website, we’ve seen a bit too often the downside of the wireframe process: scope creep, strategic thinking thrown out the window, and projects losing focus.
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Beyond Copy and Paste: 5 Key Lessons for an Effective Content Migration

We’ve completed five content migrations recently and have learned a few lessons that might save you time, some headaches, and maybe even a few gray hairs.